As a parent who has walked the path of Kenya’s education system, I know the struggles and hurdles that families like mine face. It’s not just about textbooks and exams; it’s about making sure our kids get a fair shot at a good education. That’s why President William Ruto’s plan for affordable higher learning has me feeling hopeful and thankful.
Let me explain why. Imagine you have two students, both smart and hardworking. One comes from a family that can afford a fancy private secondary school, where they pay around Kshs. 200,000. The other comes from a family like mine, where even Kshs. 10,000 for a government school can be a big challenge.
Now, both students qualify for university, but here’s the thing – they both used to get the same amount of support when they join University, which didn’t seem fair at all. It was tough to watch. My child, who had put in just as much effort, was getting the same support as someone whose family had more money. It felt like a heavy cloud hanging over us, especially when university fees came knocking. But now, President Ruto is changing that with his plan for affordable higher learning.
What’s different? Well, it’s pretty simple. The new plan understands that not all families can pay the same. It’s like knowing that some shoes fit better than others – you wouldn’t give the same size to everyone, right? In the same way, the new plan gives more help to families that need it most.
For parents like me who have had to stretch every shilling to give our kids a good education, this new plan is like a light at the end of the tunnel. It’s like someone finally heard our worries and decided to do something about it. It means that when my younger kids get ready for university, they won’t have to carry the heavy load of huge fees on their shoulders.
President Ruto’s plan gives me hope that things are changing. It’s like he’s saying, “Let’s make sure every kid has a fair chance.” And that’s exactly what we need – a fair chance. As I watch my younger kids get ready to take on their education, I’m feeling more hopeful than ever before.
President Ruto’s promise of affordable higher learning is like a breath of fresh air. It shows that our leaders care about students and families, no matter where they come from. It’s a sign that education is getting better and fairer. So, as we move forward, let’s remember that a fair shot at education means a brighter future for all of us.