President William Ruto has announced that the dualling of the Nairobi-Nakuru highway will be launched by the end of 2024.

This he said on Wednesday during the launch of the Jumbo Africa Auto Auction (AAA) SEZ Limited in Naivasha, the first Japanese car auction in Africa, which will utilise physical and online competitive platforms to transform the car purchasing experience for buyers.

Expressing confidence that the SEZ will attract more investors, Ruto noted that the existing road, rail, air, port, pipeline, and fibreoptic infrastructures nearing the area will boost economic activity.

“We committed ourselves to dualling that road, we are well on course and it is my plan that before the end of this year we begin the launch and construction of the dualling of the road between Nairobi and Nakuru all the way to Eldoret and continuously to Malaba,” said Ruto.

“Kenya is the best place for your investment and Naivasha is the best location for your enterprise. Our journey to becoming our region’s and Africa’s economic and industrial powerhouse is underway.”

The dualing of the road is expected to ease traffic congestion, especially during peak seasons, making travel smoother for commuters and cargo trucks.

The Nairobi-Nakuru Highway is a critical route used by both local commuters and cargo trucks transporting goods from the port of Mombasa to neighboring countries like Uganda.