President William Ruto has taken a decisive step to protect the interests of Kenyan farmers by declaring a ban on import permits for wheat and maize for millers. This bold move underscores the government’s commitment to bolstering the country’s agricultural sector and ensuring local farmers receive fair compensation for their produce.

The announcement was made during a meeting at State House in Nairobi, where President Ruto convened with a delegation from Narok North Constituency, led by MP Agnes Pareiyo. The meeting also saw the participation of Governors Patrick Ole Ntutu of Narok and Jonathan Leleliit of Samburu, as well as Narok West MP Gabriel Tongoyo, among other key leaders from the region.

President Ruto emphasized that the government would only consider permitting imports if local production falls short of demand. To further support local farmers, the government has allocated Ksh 4 billion to directly purchase maize from them. This allocation is designed to stabilize prices and ensure farmers receive adequate compensation for their hard work.

Addressing the issue of post-harvest losses, President Ruto announced that farmers would have access to National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPB) driers at a nominal fee of Ksh 50, a significant reduction from the previous cost of nearly Sh400 per bag. This initiative aims to mitigate losses caused by high moisture content in maize.

In addition to these measures, President Ruto revealed plans for the construction of a Kenya Cooperative Creameries (KCC) milk plant in Narok, a move expected to enhance milk quality and, consequently, increase prices for local dairy farmers.

The President concluded the meeting by urging farmers not to sell their produce at lower prices and reiterating the government’s unwavering support for Kenya’s vital agriculture sector.