President William Ruto has revamped the National Steering Committee on Drought Response, transforming it into the National Steering Committee on Disaster Response.

This change, as detailed in a special gazette accessed by the Star, broadens the Committee’s scope to encompass all-natural calamities, including floods, fires, landslides, earthquakes, and other disasters impacting lives and properties.

“The National Steering Committee on Disaster Response shall mobilize resources to augment the Government’s national emergency response actions in alleviating the impact of all natural calamities,” stated President Ruto.

Spearheaded by Safaricom CEO Peter Ndegwa, the Committee will oversee the newly renamed National Disaster Response Appeal Fund, managed by the Kenya Red Cross. This fund aims to support relief efforts and interventions for affected populations, while also facilitating private sector involvement in climate change mitigation and adaptation.

The committee, comprising notable figures such as Equity Bank CEO James Mwangi and Kenya Red Cross Secretary-General Asha Mohammed, will collaborate with National and County Governments to enhance national resilience and safeguard development gains from recurring disasters.

This transformation underscores the government’s commitment to bolstering disaster response and recovery efforts nationwide.