President William Ruto on Thursday chaired a second Cabinet meeting this week to discuss additional measures to mitigate the effects of flooding, mudslides, and landslides across the country.

A dispatch from State House said the Cabinet noted that more citizens who have been affected by floods, mudslides and landslides are increasingly receiving help with food and non-food items from the government working with other partners.

Noting that flooding, mudslides, landslides and other extreme weather conditions are a result of climate change, the Cabinet resolved that the government, from now on, will rally the country to implement measures, programmes and policies that will mitigate the effects of climate change.

he meeting reviewed the weather forecast for the next three months, indicating continued heavy rainfall, leading to flooding, landslides, and mudslides, especially in low-lying areas. The coastal region is expected to experience Cyclone Hidaya, resulting in heavy rainfall, large waves, and strong winds.

Schools across the country have been significantly affected, with infrastructure damaged by floods and mudslides. The Ministry of Education, in collaboration with the National Government Constituency Development Fund, will repair and rehabilitate school infrastructure.

The reopening of schools has been postponed until further notice to allow for the repair and rehabilitation of damaged infrastructure. Additionally, the Cabinet approved the expansion of the Manda Bay Airfield runway in Lamu to enhance Kenya Defence Forces’ capability.