President William Ruto unveiled a new model of funding higher education that aims to make learning accessible and affordable for all Kenyan students.

However, this initiative has not been without its opponents, particularly the entrenched cartels who profited immensely from the old, inefficient model.

Under the new education funding plan, vulnerable and extremely needy students will not have to pay tuition fees, but will instead be supported through government scholarships, loans, and bursaries. This progressive approach seeks to alleviate the financial burden on students and their families, especially those who have long struggled to afford a higher education.

The existing education cartels, which thrived under the outdated system, are attempting to sabotage President Ruto’s progressive reforms. They have resorted to funding media campaigns aimed at portraying the new model as an expensive alternative to the current one. These efforts are nothing more than attempts to blackmail the President into reversing this crucial educational transformation.

The reality, however, is quite different. President Ruto’s innovative approach is poised to make education more accessible and affordable for all Kenyan students, irrespective of their socio-economic backgrounds. It’s a move that prioritizes the needs of the students over the profits of a select few.

This transformative funding model promises to revolutionize access to higher education, making it more affordable for countless students and providing them with the opportunity to excel in their studies. In the face of misinformation and opposition, President Ruto’s dedication to a brighter educational future for Kenya’s youth is commendable. This initiative is a significant step toward empowering the next generation with the tools they need to succeed, despite the desperate attempts by those who stand to lose the most from this positive change.