President William Ruto on Friday May 4, 2024 issued a stern warning to Members of Parliament involved in misusing the National Government Constituency Development Fund (NG-CDF). Ruto declared that any MP found guilty of misappropriating these funds should not be re-elected, labeling such actions as a betrayal of the trust placed in them by the electorate.

During the 20th anniversary celebration of the NG-CDF, Ruto delivered a powerful message, stating, “Any member of parliament who presides over the misappropriation of CDF or the theft of CDF should never be elected. They should never be elected because it is the ultimate betrayal of the people who elected you.”

Ruto emphasized the importance of MPs fulfilling their duty to serve the public, particularly in the allocation of funds for education. He expressed disbelief that elected officials earning a substantial salary would divert money intended for the education of their constituents. “The people of Kenya have elected you, you have a salary of Sh1 million and then the money meant for the bursary of their children, money meant for the education of their children wewe umeenda kuhangaika nayo mpaka imepotea,” he stated.

The NG-CDF, which primarily focuses on funding education, security, and climate change initiatives, allocates a significant portion of its budget to bursaries for disadvantaged students. Ruto’s call for accountability in CDF management underscores the government’s commitment to transparency and integrity in public service.