In a decisive move, President William Ruto has issued a directive for all residents in flood-vulnerable regions to evacuate within the next 48 hours.

The directive, stemming from a recent Cabinet meeting, applies to individuals residing in areas susceptible to flooding, mudslides, landslides, and those situated along riparian lands. The deadline for evacuation is set for Thursday this week.

During a visit to Mai Mahiu, President Ruto assured citizens that the government had already identified and mapped out the at-risk regions, emphasizing the importance of safeguarding lives and preempting potential disasters. He stated, “We have concluded the mapping of all areas that are in danger so that we can assist citizens to move away in time.”

President Ruto also reassured affected individuals, saying, “If we get assurance of no further disaster occurring, we shall facilitate your return.” The government’s response comes in the wake of devastating floods that have claimed over 120 lives and displaced more than 190,000 people.