A Kenyan company nestled amidst the ancient ruins of Mombasa has emerged as a frontrunner in Africa’s journey towards medical self-reliance. With less than 700 employees, this company manufactures a staggering 300 million syringes annually, meeting over 50% of the continent’s crucial immunization demands.
During the height of the COVID-19 crisis, when a global shortage of syringes threatened vaccination efforts, Revital HealthCare, the Kenyan company, demonstrated unparalleled resilience. Roneek Vora, Director of Sales and Marketing at Revital, expressed the significance of their contributions, stating, “This was a very big deal for us—it broke a lot of barriers.”
Benefiting from substantial support from major donor organizations like the US and various United Nations agencies, the success of this Kenyan company stands as a beacon of hope for achieving healthcare self-sufficiency in Africa.
With a diverse product portfolio encompassing 58 items ranging from diagnostic test kits to medical tubing, this company’s impact extends far beyond borders. Notably, their innovation in producing electricity-free devices for newborns underscores their commitment to advancing global healthcare standards.
Dr. Jean Kaseya, Director General of the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, praised the company, declaring, “Now with the company, we can at least cover 50 percent of our needs.” The company’s expansion into manufacturing face masks and rapid diagnostic test kits further cements its pivotal role in enhancing healthcare resilience in the region.