In the annals of Kenya’s history, the Mau Mau movement shines as a beacon of resilience and sacrifice in the struggle for independence. At its heart are heroes and heroines who, against all odds, fought fiercely for the freedom we cherish today.

Among those champions of liberty stands Field Marshal Muthoni wa Kirima, an emblem of unwavering determination and courage. Her recent passing stirred the nation’s collective memory, reigniting our appreciation for the sacrifices made during that pivotal period. Yet, it is Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua who emerges as an extraordinary advocate for preserving the Mau Mau legacy.

Gachagua’s journey in honoring Mau Mau heroes and heroines has been nothing short of remarkable. His actions underscore a deeply personal connection to this chapter of Kenya’s history. Indeed, Gachagua is not just a leader; he is a devoted son of the Mau Mau.

Field Marshal Muthoni’s remarkable life, characterized by her daring espionage, resilience, and unwavering commitment, captivated the nation. As ‘The Weaver Bird,’ she defied adversity, even enduring brutal beatings and torture at the hands of British colonialists when her espionage activities were uncovered. Her contribution to Kenya’s independence is immeasurable, and she deserved national recognition.

For decades, her sacrifices went unnoticed by the government, but in 1998, the late President Daniel arap Moi bestowed upon her a medal for her distinguished service. It wasn’t until 2014 that President Uhuru Kenyatta awarded her the prestigious Head of State Commendation, reflecting a long-overdue acknowledgment of her immense contributions.

Field Marshal Muthoni also symbolized her defiance of colonialism through her dreadlocks, which she had kept since the 1950s. These dreadlocks became emblematic of the Mau Mau’s struggle for freedom, and for Field Marshal Muthoni, they represented her unwavering commitment to Kenya’s liberation.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua recognized the need to honor and preserve the legacy of Mau Mau heroes and heroines like Field Marshal Muthoni. In a historic and heartfelt gesture, Gachagua, together with President William Ruto, inaugurated the Field Marshal Muthoni Kirima Bus Terminus in Nyeri town last month. This bold step signified their commitment to recognizing and celebrating Kenya’s heroes and heroines from the Mau Mau era.

What makes Gachagua’s advocacy extraordinary is his unique personal connection to the Mau Mau cause. He is, in every sense, a son of the Mau Mau. This familial tie is not merely a coincidence; it is a profound bond that drives his passionate commitment to assist the aging heroes and heroines of the Mau Mau struggle.

Mzee Kahengeri, a member of the Mau Mau War Veterans Association, uncovered a vital piece of history: Gachagua’s mother, Martha Kirigo Gachagua, was a member of the association, listed as member number 171 from Hiriga village, Ngorano sub-location, Ruguru location, Mathira sub-county, Nyeri County. This revelation solidified Gachagua’s position as a true son of the Mau Mau, morally obligated to support the aging heroes and heroines who had sacrificed everything for Kenya’s liberty.

Gachagua’s actions transcend mere political gestures; they embody the spirit of a devoted son. His determination to ensure that the sacrifices of his parents and all Mau Mau heroes and heroines are justly recognized and honored resonates deeply. His unwavering support for the Mau Mau movement is an emotional testament to the profound impact of this chapter in Kenya’s history on his life.

As Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua passionately asserts, “The Mau Mau fighters sacrificed for the liberation of this country through thick and thin. After independence, the black colonialists took over land and power. We will keep calling them out for the injustices.” His commitment extends to settling the debts owed to internally displaced Mau Mau individuals, an effort to restore their dignity.

Furthermore, plans are underway to fulfill the promise made during the burial of Mukami Kimathi, the widow of Field Marshal Dedan Kimathi, to exhume his remains. Gachagua’s dedication to these endeavors reflects his profound respect for the struggles of the past and the heroes and heroines who paved the way for Kenya’s freedom.

As Kenya prepares to bid a final farewell to Field Marshal Muthoni wa Kirima, the nation unites in solemn reflection on the sacrifices made by heroes and heroines like her. Her legacy will continue to inspire generations, reminding us all of the profound price paid for the freedom and independence that Kenya enjoys today. Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua’s unwavering support for the Mau Mau cause exemplifies the nation’s commitment to recognizing its history and honoring those who fought for its liberty. His advocacy is not just a political endeavor; it’s a heartfelt mission to pay homage to the heroes and heroines who shaped Kenya’s destiny.