DP Gachagua has emphasized the importance of unity and forgiveness, urging leaders and citizens to embrace these principles for the greater good of the nation’s development and progress.

Speaking yesterday in Meru County, the Deputy President shared his personal journey of transformation, recounting how he overcame bitterness and resentment through prayer and spiritual guidance, particularly led by his spouse, Pastor Dorcas Rigathi.

Following the divisive 2022 General Election, Gachagua advocated for national healing and reconciliation, stressing the need to move past political differences and work together towards a unified future.

”I was a very bitter man after the election, it was very divisive but my wife prayed for me and I have forgiven people in this region, what is wrong with forgiving each other and uniting as a region?” the DP posed.

Gachagua highlighted his role as a peacemaker, citing his involvement in peace initiatives across various counties in Kenya. He emphasized the correlation between harmony and development.

The Deputy President called for support for President William Ruto’s economic blueprint, urging leaders to rally behind Ruto’s vision for transforming the country. He emphasized the significance of unified purpose and collaboration in achieving national development goals.