Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has criticized some politicians for flaunting wealth by hiring choppers and distributing money at events while Kenyans are struggling to make ends meet.

Speaking in Uasin Gishu, Gachagua questioned the sources of these funds, especially given the economic hardships many Kenyans face.

He accused them of putting the region in a full-time political mood at a time when they should be helping President William Ruto to deliver.

“If we put this country on the political mood of 2032, when will we work for the people? And where are all these resources coming from? When Kenyans are suffering? Millions of shillings are being dished while Kenyans are suffering,” said Gachagua. 

Gachagua stated that constant politicking is distracting from governance and service delivery. He urged politicians to focus on their constituencies and support President Ruto’s administration.

”I urge the MPs to stay in their Constituency and serve their people. The habit of political tourism must stop. This is what is giving us trouble,” he said at the event held at Seiyo Secondary School in the Constituency.

”We said we would support the President fully. We support the President 100%. We will be behind the President because we have a 10-year debt. And we will pay the debt. We are working well with the President,” he continued.

“As I lead as Deputy President together with Cabinet Secretaries, Governors, senators, MPs, our focus should only be to help the President succeed. Period. Everything else can wait. 2032 succession politics must stop,” the DP added.

Gachagua warned against premature campaigning for the 2032 elections, emphasizing the need to prioritize current governmental responsibilities.