Kenya has embarked on a quest to identify the most advanced and secure technology as it gears up to establish its first nuclear power plant by 2034. Justus Wabuyabo, CEO of the Nuclear Power and Energy Agency (NuPEA), revealed that the agency is actively engaging with various vendors to select the most suitable technology for the country while prioritizing reliability and affordability.

“We will work both bilaterally and multilaterally through IAEA to get the right technology for Kenya,” stated Wabuyabo. He emphasized Kenya’s commitment to adopting the latest technologies in plant operations to ensure efficiency and safety.

During a recent visit to China, Wabuyabo engaged with key players in nuclear technology to seek support for Kenya’s nuclear initiatives, including research projects, training programs for local engineers, and acquiring cancer treatment equipment. Attending the International Conference on Enhancing the Operational Safety of Nuclear Power Plants in Beijing, Wabuyabo emphasized the paramount importance of safety in the nuclear industry.

As Kenya progresses towards establishing its nuclear power program, Wabuyabo stressed the necessity of developing a skilled workforce and fostering partnerships to guarantee the program’s success. The CEO expressed readiness to collaborate with partners dedicated to safeguarding Kenya’s interests throughout the journey towards nuclear energy development.