The Kenya kwanza adminstration, led by President William Ruto, has prepared to roll out Maisha Digital Cards, a groundbreaking initiative aimed at transforming the country’s identification system. On the 26th of October 2023, Interior Cabinet Secretary Prof. Kithure Kindiki announced the official commencement of the pilot phase for these digital Ids, bringing with it a wave of anticipation.

Under the modified Registration of Persons regulations, Maisha Digital Cards have incorporated facial features and fingerprints for personal identification. Moreover, these cards have introduced a Unique Personal Identifier (UPI) assigned at birth, serving as a lifelong identification number for every Kenyan. This innovation is poised to revolutionize identification and simplify access to various services.

Immigration and Citizen Services Principal Secretary Prof. Julius Bitok emphasized the importance of this pilot phase, which has sought to rectify past challenges and frustrations associated with previous attempts to introduce digital Ids. Furthermore, the Maisha Namba card has enhanced national security and provided tamper-proof identification, while also allowing easy access to online services via smartphones.

Religious leaders have pledged their support to raise public awareness during the digital card introduction, highlighting the collaborative effort to usher in this transformative change for all Kenyans. The Maisha Digital Cards represent a significant leap toward a more efficient and secure future for the country.