Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has issued a compelling call to Mount Kenya leaders, urging them to set aside jealousy and instead foster respect and unity amongst themselves for the betterment of the region.

Speaking at a fundraiser event at Endarasha Catholic church, Gachagua stressed the importance of unity, stating, “Our strength lies in our unity, and we must not allow ourselves to be divided. Let us love one another and stand united.”

Nyeri Governor Mutahi Kahiga echoed Gachagua’s sentiments, warning of potential division within the region if support is not given to Gachagua. Kahiga urged the people to rally behind Gachagua, stating, “We must support Rigathi Gachagua as our leader.”

Former Laikipia women representative Cate Waruguru also expressed support for Gachagua, emphasizing the need for unity in the region. She called out individuals who are attempting to disrupt the unity, stating, “We know them by name, and they should come forward if they want to lead, just as the DP did.”

Naivasha MP Jane Kihara highlighted Gachagua’s abilities and the importance of supporting him and President William Ruto for the realization of the Kenya Kwanza manifestos.

Kihara emphasized, “Mount Kenya leaders must work together, and we must support Gachagua as our leader to avoid division.”

The call for unity amongst Mount Kenya leaders comes as a crucial step towards ensuring the region’s growth and prosperity.