President William Ruto has announced the decision to raise the building cap in Eastleigh from 12 floors to 30 floors, aiming to address the housing shortage and provide improved accommodation for all citizens.

During an unexpected visit to Mathare, President Ruto emphasized the significance of this move, stating, “In Eastleigh, you couldn’t build a house beyond 12 floors, but now we can build storey buildings of up to 30 floors so that citizens can get accommodation and live in a harmonious neighborhood.”

The President also revealed plans for the construction of 20,000 affordable houses in slum areas such as Mathare, Kiamaiko, and Kibra. These housing units will be available through a rent-to-buy agreement, with residents paying only Ksh3,000 monthly.

President Ruto’s initiative aligns with Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja’s proposal to review the floor limit for residential buildings in Nairobi County to 75 floors. Governor Sakaja emphasized the importance of balancing development with necessary infrastructure, reassuring the public that the city’s growth will be managed effectively.

“We will make Nairobi work and make it take its rightful place as the jewel of this continent,” Governor Sakaja affirmed, highlighting the commitment to sustainable urban development and improved living conditions for residents.