President William Ruto has criticized the opposition’s move to revive demonstrations, emphasizing that the approach will lead to destruction and chaos rather than providing solutions.

Speaking in Nyandarua on Tuesday, President Ruto said the opposition’s strategy lacks direction and will not benefit the country.

Instead, he said. it risks causing significant losses to lives and property.

“Don’t tell us that you are planning for war, demonstrations, and the destruction of people’s property, hurting Kenyans. How will this hurting and destruction of businesses help Kenya?” he questioned.

The President urged the opposition to present their alternative solutions for the development of the country instead of resorting to protests and disorder.

“I would like to ask the opposition, instead of troubling citizens and causing chaos and conflicts, to share your plans that differ from ours. If you have viable alternatives, please give them to us,” he stated.

This statement follows recent concerns expressed by Azimio la Umoja leader Raila Odinga regarding ongoing tax increases, emphasizing the need to repeal the Finance Act.