Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki has officially announced Monday, June 17, as a public holiday, in alignment with the celebration of Eid-Al-Adha by the Muslim community. The declaration, made through a gazette notice, falls under the authority granted to the CS by the Public Holidays Act.

The notice stated, “It is notified for the general information of the public that the Cabinet Secretary for Interior and National Administration, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 2 (1) of the Public Holidays Act, declares Monday, the 17th June, 2024, shall be a public holiday to mark Eid-Al-Adha.”

Eid-Al-Adha, known as the festival of sacrifice, holds profound significance for Muslims worldwide as they commemorate Prophet Ibrahim’s unwavering devotion to Allah. The festive occasion symbolizes the sacrifice made by Prophet Ibrahim and the subsequent divine provision of a ram in place of his son, Ismail.

As part of the celebrations, Muslims ritually sacrifice an animal and share the meat with those less fortunate, promoting compassion and solidarity within the community. The holiday coincides with the conclusion of the annual pilgrimage to Mecca, following the earlier celebration of Eid-al-Fitr on April 10th, which marks the culmination of the Holy Month of Ramadan.