Kenya is taking center stage on the global climate action platform as it hosts the Africa Climate Summit (ACS). This pivotal event, occurring from September 4th to 6th, 2023, marks a critical milestone in Africa’s journey to address the growing threats posed by climate change.

Objectives of the summit

The Africa Climate Summit carries a comprehensive agenda with far-reaching objectives. It provides a platform for African leaders to craft the Nairobi Declaration on Green Growth and Climate Finance Solutions. This declaration serves as a blueprint for the continent, guiding it towards a sustainable, low-carbon development pathway.

At the heart of this endeavor is the quest to launch a new era of ambition for Africa. The summit aims to forge partnerships with the global community, propelling Africa’s climate and development objectives onto the international stage. It’s a rallying call for African Union Member States and supporting partners to champion climate action and its delivery.

Climate Vulnerability in Africa

The urgency of the Africa Climate Summit is underscored by the harsh reality of climate vulnerability in Africa. According to the 2022 Climate Vulnerability Index, nine of the top ten most vulnerable countries in the world are situated in Sub-Saharan Africa. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s 2022 Climate Change Report reiterates the gravity of the situation, highlighting West Africa, East Africa, and Central Africa as global hotspots of human vulnerability to climate change.

One pressing issue that the summit aims to address is the lack of reliable daily forecasting, a resource often taken for granted in much of the world. In Africa, this deficiency translates into both human suffering and economic losses, reaching into the billions.

Partnerships and Collaborations

A key pillar of the Africa Climate Summit is partnership. It aims to foster collaborations that will be instrumental in realizing Africa’s ambitious climate and development objectives. Partnerships will also enable the continent to define detailed plans, shape associated tools and investments, and advocate for international financial reforms.

Kenya’s Commitment

Kenya’s role as the host nation underscores its unwavering commitment to climate action. The Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, and Forestry, under Cabinet Secretary Soipan Tuya, emphasizes that the summit offers Africa the opportunity to showcase its vast resources to the world. Kenya envisions a green growth agenda through a low-carbon development pathway that not only decarbonizes swiftly but also does so cost-effectively.

As Kenya takes on the role of hosting the Africa Climate Summit, it calls upon Africa and the world to recognize the urgency of addressing climate vulnerabilities and fostering sustainable development. This summit is more than just a conference; it’s a symbol of hope for a continent on the frontline of the climate crisis. It brings together leaders and stakeholders to catalyze transformative change.

The outcomes of the Africa Climate Summit hold the potential to redefine Africa’s trajectory. They ensure that the continent, its people, and its resources are resilient in the face of climate change. Moreover, they pave the path towards prosperity and sustainability for generations to come. Kenya’s role in hosting this event signifies a significant stride towards a unified, climate-conscious future for Africa and the world.