Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has rallied the Church to bolster the ongoing crusade against illicit
alcohol, drugs, and substance abuse, emphasizing the critical role of unified efforts in combatting these societal ills.

Addressing the congregation, Gachagua underscored the necessity of collaborative action, asserting, “We
are seeking partnership with the church in the fight against illicit alcohol, drugs, and substance abuse. We are keen on working with our bishops because we cannot succeed in this war without your support.”

The Deputy President’s call for solidarity with the Church came during his attendance at the Consecration
Service of the newly appointed ACK Nakuru Bishop Antony Mwaura Mambo, underscoring the gravity of the battle against these vices.

Accompanied by his spouse, Pastor Dorcas Rigathi, and esteemed leaders, Gachagua reiterated the
government’s unwavering commitment to curbing illicit brew and substance abuse, highlighting the integral role of the Church in the rehabilitation and recovery process for affected individuals.”We need you (the Church) to help us in mentorship, counseling, and in the establishment of
rehabilitation centers so that those who are addicted can be taken for care and recovery,” the DP emphasized.The Deputy President affirmed the symbiotic relationship between the government and the Church in uplifting communities and fostering national development, symbolizing a united front in
safeguarding the welfare of the people.Eminent figures present at the event included Water Cabinet Secretary Zachariah Njeru, Nakuru Senator
Tabitha Karanja Keroche, and a cadre of distinguished MPs, epitomizing a collective commitment towards combating the scourge of illicit substances.