The European Union Council has unveiled the conclusion of the EU-Kenya Economic Partnership Agreement, solidifying a pivotal trade alliance between the two regions.

President of the European Council, Charles Michel, hailed the agreement as a significant stride in fortifying trade relations, expressing, “Excellent news that the EU-Kenya Economic Partnership Agreement is concluded today. This will enhance our already flourishing trade partnership with Kenya and contribute to sustainable economic growth.”

Under this pact, Kenya secures duty-free and quota-free entry to the EU market for all exports while gradually opening up its markets to EU imports.

Highlighting the cooperative spirit of the agreement, Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Affairs, and Foreign Trade Hadja Lahbib emphasized, “This agreement will strengthen our cooperation with Kenya, the economic hub of East Africa. Workers, businesses, and traders on both sides will benefit from this shared commitment to sustainable development, including labor rights, the environment, and climate action.”

This monumental trade deal, which encompasses provisions on trade and sustainable development, stands as a testament to the EU’s ambitious economic partnership with a developing nation.

President William Ruto lauded the agreement, affirming that it paves the way for expanded market access and heightened economic opportunities for Kenya, setting a promising stage for future collaborations within the East African Community.