As the echoes of President William Ruto’s promise to deliver Universal Health Coverage (UHC) during the 2022 Presidential election continue to reverberate, a crucial stride has been taken to turn this vision into reality. The Cabinet’s recent approval of four bills signals a significant step forward in operationalizing the UHC agenda, marking a pivotal moment in Kenya’s healthcare trajectory. The bills are: Primary Healthcare Bill, Social Health Insurance Bill, Digital Health Bill, and the facility improvement finance bill.

The Primary Healthcare Bill, 2023

At the heart of the UHC legislative agenda lies the commitment to bolster primary healthcare services. President Ruto’s pledge to employ and initiate payments for community health promoters, coupled with the integration of preventive and promotive services, finds fruition in the Primary Health Care Bill 2023. This bill establishes a comprehensive framework for the delivery, access, and management of primary healthcare services.

The Primary Healthcare Bill will ensure that 100,000 community health promoters will be deployed, bringing essential healthcare services directly to households. Reorganization of service delivery at primary healthcare levels will guarantee that Kenyans can access necessary medical assistance without financial barriers.

The Social Health Insurance Bill, 2023

Promising to “leave no one behind,” President Ruto is committed to extending social health insurance coverage to all Kenyans, including provisions for emergencies, cancer treatment, and strategic programs. The Social Health Insurance Bill 2023 translates these commitments into tangible steps. This legislation establishes the authority that will replace NHIF and introduces three key funds:

  1. Primary Health Care Fund that will cater for preventive and promotive primary care services at the community, dispensary, and health center levels.
  2. Social Health Insurance Fund that is designed to cover services such as primary referrals, secondary, and tertiary services.
  3. Chronic Illness & Emergency Fund that will ensure access to chronic illness management and emergency treatments, aligned with constitutional provisions.

These funds will be managed by a single board and secretariat, financed through a proposed 2.75% deduction on household incomes from both formal and informal sectors.

The Social Health Insurance Bill will guarantee comprehensive health coverage for all Kenyans, ensuring access to a range of medical services, from preventive care to chronic illness management and emergency treatments.

The Digital Health Bill, 2023

President Ruto’s pledge to enhance telemedicine and health management information systems comes to fruition with the Digital Health Bill 2023. This bill lays out a framework for digital health services, data governance, protection of personal health information, and the integration of digital interventions into healthcare delivery.

The Digital Health Bill will implore Kenyans to embrace modern technology to make healthcare more accessible and efficient, offering telemedicine options and improving the management of health information, leading to better health outcomes.

The Facility Improvement Financing Bill, 2023

The commitment to allocate dedicated funds for healthcare facilities will materialize through the Facility Improvement Financing Bill 2023. This legislation aims to create a dedicated source of funding for health facility operations in the counties, ensuring consistent and predictable funding to enhance healthcare infrastructure and services.

The Facility Improvement Financing Bill will ensure that healthcare facilities receive consistent funding for improvements, leading to upgraded facilities and better healthcare services for Kenyan citizens.

The unveiling of these bills marks an important moment in Kenya’s journey toward comprehensive and inclusive healthcare. As President Ruto’s UHC legislative agenda takes center stage, it underscores a resolute commitment to transform healthcare, prioritize prevention, and ensure that every citizen has access to quality medical services without the burden of financial constraints. The road to universal health coverage may be challenging, but with these legislative pillars in place, a brighter, healthier future for all Kenyans comes into sharper focus.