In an impressive turnaround for Kenya’s passport issuance system, significant strides have been made to ensure efficient and timely service delivery. The recent efforts by the Ministry of Interior and Administration have not only reduced a massive backlog but have also cracked down on fraudulent practices that had plagued service-seekers for far too long.

In recent statements, Immigration and Citizen Services PS Julius Bitok reported a substantial reduction in passport processing backlog. From an overwhelming 100,000 applications awaiting processing, the backlog has been significantly cut down to a more manageable 45,000. This achievement stands as a testament to the unwavering commitment of government officials to streamline the passport issuance process.

Simultaneously, the Ministry of Interior has launched a fierce crackdown on suspected brokers linked to a passport-issuance racket. This resolute move sends a clear message that illicit practices such as bribery and extortion will no longer be tolerated. The crackdown aims not only to ensure the integrity of the passport issuance system but also to enhance overall security.

To expedite passport production, the Ministry has introduced day and night shifts. The buzzing activity at the Department of Immigration Services Headquarters in Nyayo House now continues around the clock. This extended operational timeframe has enabled more passports to be processed, further reducing the backlog and waiting times.

A bold promise has been made by the Ministry of Interior – there will be no passport backlog within the next two weeks. While this may seem ambitious, it underscores the government’s resolute commitment to efficient service delivery. It has renewed hope among Kenyan citizens who have faced considerable delays in obtaining their essential travel documents.

Presently, the passport production rate stands at an impressive 3,600 per day. This enhanced capacity significantly benefits Kenyans seeking to travel for various reasons, including job opportunities abroad, accessing medical care overseas, and pursuing leisure and business ventures abroad.

But the government’s commitment to improved services doesn’t end here. In the FY 2023/24 budget, the Department of Immigration Services has been allocated a substantial budget of KES 1.3 billion. This funding will be utilized to procure state-of-the-art equipment, including advanced printers. These investments are part of a long-term strategy to modernize and streamline passport processing services, ensuring efficiency and reliability.

Kenya’s efforts to streamline passport processing represent a significant step towards efficient and timely service delivery. The reduction in backlog, the crackdown on fraudulent practices, the introduction of extended processing hours, and an increased production rate all work in harmony to benefit Kenyan citizens. This endeavor not only enhances the ease of international travel but also aligns with the broader goal of promoting economic growth and global engagement for Kenya and its people.