President William Ruto on Tuesday, January 16, 2024 launched the Emgwen Affordable Housing Project in Nandi County. Speaking at the event, President Ruto emphasized the pivotal role of affordable housing in averting land fragmentation, which poses a threat to the country’s farming lands.

He stated, “We want you to stop dividing land and live in Affordable Housing Programme houses so that we can use the land you would have settled in to produce food and eradicate hunger.”

Highlighting the broader impact of the Affordable Housing Programme, President Ruto emphasized its significance in job creation and economic growth. He revealed that the Emgwen project, comprising 220 units, is anticipated to generate 500 direct jobs and an additional 3,000 indirect jobs, including opportunities for local artisans. “The Affordable Housing Programme is one of the areas identified to create jobs and spur the country’s economic growth,” President Ruto affirmed.

The President’s comprehensive initiatives are aimed at addressing housing needs, preventing land fragmentation, and stimulating economic growth through job creation.