Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has launched a scathing attack on Kenya’s Judiciary, accusing the Chief Justice Martha Koome-led arm of sabotaging the Kenya Kwanza manifesto.

Speaking today Sunday January 7, 2024 at the Tinderet Barngetuny Mountain Run, Gachagua faulted the Judiciary for consistently issuing rulings that have affected government operations, stating, “Why are these people stopping the President from helping ordinary Kenyans without houses or jobs? These judges should know that they are also Kenyans and they should not live in Utopia.”

Gachagua’s remarks come after President William Ruto’s recent outburst at a burial in Nyandarua County, where he vowed to weed out corrupt judges who are allegedly sabotaging his agenda. Ruto’s frustration stems from the nullification of the Housing Levy by the High Court last year.

The conflict between the executive and judicial branches of the government is evident, with Gachagua and Ruto expressing strong criticism of the Judiciary’s rulings and raises concerns about the government’s ability to implement its initiatives.