Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua on Wednesday, June 12, 2024, urged pharmacists and chemists to maintain professional standards and adhere strictly to regulations.

Speaking at the Pharmaceutical Society of Kenya International Scientific Conference in Mombasa, Gachagua emphasized the essential role of pharmacists in ensuring public health by dispensing drugs responsibly and keeping accurate records.

During his address, Gachagua stated, “I want to call upon all those professionals who run pharmacies and chemists to live up to your oath and just do the right thing.” He highlighted the importance of not dispensing prescription drugs over the counter and the significance of maintaining detailed records of all dispensed medications.

Expressing concern over unqualified individuals operating illegitimate pharmacies, Gachagua remarked, “There are many other quacks who have opened pharmacies and chemists that are not licensed.” He stressed the risks to public health posed by such unauthorized practices.

Gachagua emphasized the necessity for licensed establishments to set a standard of excellence, ensuring all medications are dispensed under regulations. He underscored the government’s dedication to upholding pharmacy professionalism and operating within legal boundaries.

Proposing cooperation between pharmacists and county security and intelligence teams, Gachagua emphasized joint efforts to crack down on illicit pharmacies, destroy illegal drugs, and bring violators to justice.

His call to action addresses concerns about the unauthorized sale of prescription drugs, reflecting the government’s commitment to safeguarding public health and maintaining pharmacy standards.