Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has reaffirmed the government’s commitment to the war against illicit brews, drugs, plus substance abuse despite resistance from those benefiting from these vices and emphasized the devastating effects of illicit brews on the youth, reiterating the government’s determination to save the younger generation from the grips of addiction and substance abuse.

The DP has continuously rejected calls to slow down the fight against illicit brews and drugs, asserting that he is willing to pay the political price to protect the dignity and well-being of the people, especially the youth.

Highlighting the importance of eradicating illicit alcohol and drugs, Gachagua vowed to promote a productive society where people can live with dignity and contribute meaningfully to the nation’s development.

Ruto’s government has issued various directives to combat the menace of illicit alcohol, including the withdrawal of licenses for bars near schools, the review of alcohol packaging and transportation guidelines, and the ban on shisha.

DP Gachagua continues insist that these measures are crucial for building a healthier and more prosperous nation.