Kenya has been recognized as one of the five nations worldwide that Africans believe are contributing to the greatness of the continent, according to the latest findings from Brand Africa.

This revelation was made public during the unveiling of the 14th annual Brand Africa 100: Africa’s Best Brands research and rankings on Monday, May 27.

Brand Africa’s survey revealed that African countries make up 64% of the top 50 most admired nations globally, underscoring the confidence of Africans in the continent’s socio-economic trajectory. The top five countries perceived to be driving a better Africa include South Africa, Nigeria, the United States, China, and Kenya.

Interestingly, the survey highlighted a growing inclination among Africans towards nations viewed as rivals to Western powers.

Among the BRICS intergovernmental organizations, which include Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates, only Iran did not make it to the list of the top 50 admired nations by Africans.

Despite Africans’ faith in their continent, a striking 86% of the most admired brands originate from outside Africa.

Kenya stands out as one of the few East and Central African countries admired by Africans, with Southern and West Africa dominating the list of most admired nations globally, comprising 44% of the top 50.

While Kenya secured a spot among the most admired nations, none of its brands made it to the top 100 most admired brands in Africa.

Notable countries with brands in the top 100 included South Africa, Nigeria, Zambia, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, and Tanzania. In Nigeria, the Dangote conglomerate, spearheaded by Africa’s wealthiest individual, Aliko Dangote, secured a place among the top 100 most admired brands continentally.