PS Jonathan Mueke together with other officials from the State Departments of Livestock, Medical Sevices, Public Health, Fisheries and the Public Service Commission, concluded a very enlightening trip to Denmark on food safety, increased agricultural productivity and higher export earnings.

The Kenyan delegation was in Denmark on the purpose of The Strategic Sector Cooperation. This is a project between the Governments of Kenya and Denmark which aims to improve food safety, increased productivity and higher export earnings.

PS Jonathan Mueke earlier in the past week met with the Director General of the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration (DVFA) and his team, where they reviewed the progress made in phase 1 and 2 of the project and agreed to continue with phase 3.

In phase II, the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration has worked on the quality assurance of the national control plan of competent authorities with inspiration from the multi-annual national control plans under the EU framework (MANCP: Multi Annual National Control Plans).

An efficient national control is a prerequisite for identifying the connections in the food system that can be shifted towards the reduction of greenhouse gases.

During this trip, the delegation unlocked a further 200 million shilling grant from the Government of Denmark which will assist in the management of food safety, post-harvest losses and food waste.

With a new phase III from this year, more emphasis will be placed on reducing food loss through food safety and quality control, as well as strengthening food, feed, veterinary and plant health control.

High standards of food safety and quality in green value chains, will at the same time, improve the export potential of Kenyan food.

The Kenyan delegation included officers from the State Departments of Livestock, Medical Services, Public Health, Fisheries and the Public Service Commission.

PS Mueke thanked the Government of Denmark for hosting the Kenyan delegation and for all the support they have given to Kenya towards our food systems.

“I truly thank the Danish Government for their support, generosity and hospitality,” – Jonathan Mueke.