A Joint Parliamentary Committee conducting public hearings on the Affordable Housing Bill is set to introduce amendments capping the allocation of housing units to as single home per KRA PIN.

The move is intended to safeguard the Affordable Housing Program from being hijacked to benefit a few individuals, defeating the intended purpose.

Speaking during public hearings held in Homa Bay County on Friday, Molo MP Kuria Kimani who also chairs the House Finance and National Planning, assured residents that the Committee would propose a ‘One Unit; One KRA PIN’ policy.

“The fears that this program might not benefit the intended beneficiaries have been raised in the public hearings that we have held so far. I want to assure you that the Committee will come up with a mechanism to ensure that the program is not hijacked,” Kimani said.

The Affordable Housing Bill 2023 has already undergone the First Reading in the National Assembly.

The Bill was born out of the need to create a comprehensive framework for the affordable Housing Program following a High Court order that declared the Housing Levy unconstitutional.