The government has unveiled plans to completely switch to electric buses by 2027. Trade and Investments CS Rebecca Miano made this announcement during an event in Thika, where she introduced the Draft National Electric Mobility Policy. The policy aims to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change by promoting the adoption of electric vehicles.

Speaking at the event, Miano highlighted the importance of investments like BasiGo Company in driving economic growth and creating job opportunities. She emphasized the government’s commitment to creating a conducive business environment and providing incentives to attract investors.

The partnership between BasiGo and Kenya Vehicle Manufacturers (KVM) has resulted in the assembly of the country’s first high-volume line of modern electric buses. BasiGo CEO Jit Bhattacharya expressed the company’s goal of delivering 1,000 locally assembled electric buses in the next three years, creating 300 green manufacturing jobs in Kenya.

In response to the news, Citi Hoppa CEO Judy Thuo welcomed the transition to electric buses, stating, “With the increased competition in the matatu industry, there is a need to rebrand and move with technology as demanded by the customers.” She expressed confidence in meeting the 2027 deadline with the right policies in place.