Deputy President Rigathia Gachagua on Thursday met Nairobi, small-scale traders, at his residence in Karen, following complaints from the traders, that their goods, worth millions of shillings, had been detained by the country’s Anti-Counterfeit Authority at the entry point.
The meeting was attended by over 300 traders and importers who also expressed their displeasure over the introduction of new import duty by KRA and harassment by police and officers from the Anti-Counterfeit agency.
The meeting made the following resolutions, in attempt to harmonize issues facing the city traders:
All containers at the port are to be charged a 2.5 million benchmarking fee.
No further incremental of taxation or review without consultation with the traders
Monthly consultation meetings.
Inaugural meeting to be held on 10th April 2024 at DP Office to discuss the following issues affecting the 11 sectors.
Streamline pre-shipment inspection and how it will be done.
Finalize the Trade Development Bill and subject it to public participation
Enrich the Certificate of Conformity (CoC) with the inclusion of ACA to work jointly with KEBS.
Develop Protocols for ACA physical inspections in consultation with traders.
ACA is to release all seized goods within 2 weeks upon verification.
CA, KRA, and KEBS to convene sensitization seminars to highlight what’s counterfeit and how to verify it.
A proposed meeting every month with KEBS, ACA, KRA, and Police where all issues will be addressed.
All police officers based at the port and other stations for more than 3 years are to be transferred.
All ACA officers accused of harassing traders are to be transferred from Nairobi.
KRA to negotiate with Shipping Lines and KPA on demurrage costs.
Copyright issues are to be discussed at the next meeting.