President William Ruto on Sunday emphasized prioritizing decisions based on long-term benefits rather than short-term popularity. Speaking in Nyeri, the head of state underscored the importance of leadership over seeking immediate public approval, stating that tough decisions are necessary for effective governance.

He cited past decisions, such as removing subsidies on petrol and maize flour, which initially faced public backlash but ultimately led to price reductions. This illustrates the administration’s willingness to endure criticism for the sake of achieving positive outcomes in the future.

President Ruto reaffirmed his government’s commitment to addressing issues like fertilizer scams, promising strict legal action against offenders. He emphasized the importance of upholding the law to combat corruption and ensure the nation’s well-being.

Deputy Rigathi Gachagua who accompanied the head of state echoed sentiments regarding the importance of combating illicit brews, despite opposition from some traders andhighlighted the need to protect public health, especially the future of the nation’s children, by cracking down on harmful substances.

The Deputy President urged individuals contesting the replacement of Bishop Kagunda to withdraw their cases, emphasizing the clarity of the church constitution. This call for compliance reflects Ruto’s administration stance on respecting institutional processes and promoting unity within the community.