President Ruto’s support for climate initiatives has empowered organizations like The African Group of Negotiators Experts Support (AGNES) to convene key stakeholders, facilitating dialogue and consensus-building to shape African climate priorities.

Under Ruto’s leadership, the Kenya has aligned its climate change efforts with AGNES objectives, promoting green energy, tree planting, and gender-sensitive approaches to address vulnerabilities, as emphasized by officials during the Nairobi meeting.

The head of state’s advocacy for urgent action on climate change resonates through AGNES team lead Dr. George Wamukoya’s call for a unified African position, guided by COP28 outcomes, to drive impactful action at SB60.

In addition to this, Ruto’s commitment to healthcare and climate resilience is reflected in the emphasis on health targets within the climate agenda, championed by Natasha Museba, aligning with WHO and SDG targets, particularly pertinent for Africa’s climate-induced health burden.

Kenya is keen to promote partnerships and collaboration, evidenced by PACJA’s pledge to amplify adaptation issues at SB60 through Africa Climate Talks, showcasing collective action towards advancing African climate priorities under his leadership.